Friday, May 21, 2010

For Pete's sake save Pete the Moose

Help Save Pete the Moose!

 Help Us to Save Pete the Moose!
Welcome to the Official Site of Pete the Moose in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom! The story of Pete and his human friend, David, is a unique tale. Pete was attacked by dogs and mauled when he was about 5 days old. Vermont Fish and Wildlife told the people who found Pete to let him die. They couldn't bear to just leave him there. So, they took him to a kind man named David Lawrence, and he nursed Pete back to health.
In saving his life & caring for him over 14 months, Pete & David forged a special friendship. But as a result of this same closeness, Pete LOVES people, and so he does not have the normal fear of Man that he should. It would have been VERY dangerous for him to be released back into the wild. So David found an enclosed, 600-acre ranch in the area that is fenced in. The Game Reserve is owned by another nice man named Doug, and he generously provided Pete a place where he (ironically)could live a wild life safe from hunters. Pete lives there along with about 120 other deer and moose that have also gotten thru the "State Designed and Approved" fence.

Enter the Bureaucrats... Now the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife wants to destroy Pete & the other animals there. Part of Pete's diet comes from from animal feed. Because of this, Vermont State Officials claim animals there could contract something called "Chronic Wasting Disease", a brain ailment that affects deer-like animals, and which can be spread animal-to-animal or via feed. And so the Dept of F&W would like to "remove" the deer and moose that now inhabit this property. And by "remove", they mean "kill". They have known about us all along, but they didn't care to try and help out a long time ago. Instead, they sat back and did nothing until now...

WE NEED YOUR HELP TO SAVE PETE! We DO NOT want Pete destroyed! We DO NOT want Pete in a zoo! And we want the Governor to put whatever promises he makes about what will happen to Pete to be put in writing! Read on below to learn the ways that YOU can help us to Save Pete the Moose!

Please go to to sign the ePetition!